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Start / Kontakt / Projektledare /  Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir

Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir

Project manager Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, Small and Medium sizes Enterprises in Bioeconomy, gunna@If you can see this, please update your browsermatis.is 

Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir has a master’s degree in food science from the University of Iceland. She works at Matís as a project leader in the department of Business Development. She has worked with food development for food companies in Iceland and has extensive experience with sensory and consumer science. Her recent focus has been on consumer behaviour and has been working on ways to increase the fish consumption among Icelanders by improving the image of fish through a food program on TV and a fish campaign.

The purpose of the SME in Bioeconomy-project is to link together and form a network between producers and providers of local food and increase the variety of quality local food products. It is a challenge but a very important job to inspire and support SME´s to develop new and innovative products from local raw materials. By doing so the food tourism and the communities in whole will benefit. As local and seasonal food production is by nature small scale production, visibility and accessibility are often an issue and the recourses of each producer to promote his products limited. The aim of this project is to increase the awareness of locally produced food.