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Nordic exchange of higher education, research and knowledge

Nordic exchange of research and education - from networking to joint development, exchange and collaboration (24-25 October 2014)

Researchseminar and hands on teaching collaboration at The Nordic House of Culinary Arts and Meal Sciences, Grythyttan, Sweden. More information about participation, payment and registration can be found at after September 15, 2014. Please contact if you have urgent questions. Number of participants restricted. 

NEWS (21.10.2014): Research and education - New Norcid Cuisine for many
BLOG (26.10.2014): Initiativ om nordisk magisterutbildning i "Food for many"

Meeting at the Nordic House of Culinary Art & Meal Science, Campus Grythyttan, Orebro University (10-11 October 2013)

The purpose of the meeting is to start a new Nordic network of University lecturers and researchers with economic and political support from the Nordic Council of Ministers. The focus of the meeting is to identify and analyze the need for knowledge sharing about New Nordic Cuisine and Food for many in higher education in the Nordic countries, and to create the foundation for a lasting network. The purpose is also to discuss a new Master Program in collaboration of Nordic Universities interested in New Nordic Food and Cuisine for many.

The network meeting conference is a practical lesson and examination for students in the Intermediated Course: Culinary Arts and Meal Science, Management and Development of Culinary and Hospitality Experiences.

NEWS (16.9.2013)
NEWSLETTER (17.10.2013)
NEWS (23.10.2013): Network New Nordic Food & Cuisine for Many 

For more information: 
Jesper Johansson, University lecturer and Programme Coordinator for Chef, Culinary Art& Meal Science programme, Örebro University, Grythyttan, +46 70 333 23 20, jesper.johansson@If you can see this, please update your

Photo: Students and Chef Lecturer Karl-Magnus Edberg, preparing and serving the “Experience Dinner - Nordic Flavour” The network meeting conference was a practical lesson and examination for students in the Intermediated Course: Culinary Arts and Meal Science, Management and Development of Culinary and Hospitality Experiences.

Photographer: Andreas Hyltèn/