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New Nordic Food strengthens the Nordic brand at Nordic Design and Innovation Week 1-10 November 2013 in Shanghai

#北欧设计创意周#, #北欧新食品, #newnordicfood

VIDEO: Nordic Design and Innovation Week Shanghai 2013

VIDEO: Fooshion - New Nordic Food meets Fashion

VIDEO: Master class "Nordic Cookery" with Tareq Taylor

On the first week of November, Shanghai will be buzzing with Nordic design and innovations. In a joint effort, the four Nordic Royal Consulates are presenting a programme of seminars and workshops around design, addressing issues such as how design methods can be used as a driver of change and how design processes can help sustainability. The New Nordic Food programme will be present to highlight the innovative New Nordic cuisine.

This is just one of many projects where New Nordic Food explores new cross-collaborative platforms to strengthen the Nordic brand. “Our design week programme would never have been so exciting as it looks right now, without the support from New Nordic Food and The Nordic Fashion Institute.” says Siri Borgen, Consul at the Royal Norwegian Consulate General and head of the organising team.

During the week New Nordic Food is doing six events as pilot project within the projects ‘Nordic Food Diplomacy’ and ‘Food & Creative Industries’.

Nordic Food Diplomacy – is all about the culinary experiences for all senses that strengthen the Nordic countries’ unique values, at home and abroad.  "Nordic Food Diplomacy" is a tool for communication of Nordic values, through the display of food and culinary portrayals for a viewing audience or dinner guests. The expression is used to emphasize the cultural and ideological values in conjunction with other forms of communication.  Nordic Food Diplomacy is a continuation of the project that was launched in spring 2011 under the name "Public Food Diplomacy". 

New platforms use Nordic food diplomacy to brand the Nordic countries. On the opening day, Swedish chef Tareq Taylor, from the TV series Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery will create a Nordic version of the traditional Asian noodle soup, using sustainably grown vegetables and Norwegian seafood to the 200 guests. “Joining forces with Nordic Design and Innovation Week means that New Nordic Food strengthens the diplomacy branding efforts further by reaching new target groups, says Charlotta Ranert, project manager for the New Nordic Food programme's project Nordic Food Diplomacy. In Shanghai, Charlotta Ranert together with chef Tareq Taylor will host an introduction to the New Nordic Food programme as well as a master class on the Nordic kitchen. 150 guests from the media, the catering industry and foodies are invited to a journey through the Nordic larder, with a focus on Norwegian seafood.

Project Manager: Charlotta Ranert,  

Food & Creative Industries – is focusing on food design and creative food experiences as a creative industry in itself, but also to transform food and culinary experiences into an active, creative and significant factor when the Nordic countries market other creative industries internationally. A number of cross-collaborations with other creative industries have been done within the project and for NDIW we will develop these models for collaboration further by working within the interspaces between food and fashion and design.

Nordic cross-collaboration: Food + Fashion. Nordic food meets Nordic fashion in Nordic Fooshion where Danish label Soulland and food designers I'm a Kombo will be pitching innovative food designs against one of Scandinavia's most promising men's fashion brands. 50 carefully selected guests are invited to this Nordic treat. "This cross-creative collaboration between New Nordic Fashion and New Nordic Food makes it possible to showcase that the Nordic countries are frontrunners in both sustainable fashion and food", says Elisabet Skylare, project manager for New Nordic Food’s project Food & Creative Industries. The collaboration continues during the Nordic Fashion Day November 3 by talks on food and textiles, by food designers I’m A Kombo. “There are several elements of cross- collaboration within the New Nordic Food programme which we expect a lot from,” says Johan Arnø Kryger from the Nordic Fashion Association.
Project manager: Elisabet Skylare, elisabet@If you can see this, please update your


Program NDIW 01.11 (Opening Ceremony, Lunch with Chef Tareq Taylor)

Program NDIW 01.11 (PechaKucha seminar)

Program NDIW 02.11 (Master Class)

Program NDIW 2.11 (FOOSHION)

Program NDIW 3.11 (Nordic Fashion Day)


PICTURE Chef Tareq Taylor/Lyckyday

PICTURE Chef Tarq Taylor Warm Beetroot Sallad plate/Lyckyday

PICTURE I'm a Kombo /credit photo Adriano Brusaferri



NDIW 2013 - The overarching purpose of PURE NORDIC: Nordic Design and Innovation Week in Shanghai is to strengthen the branding of the Nordic area as innovative, design-focused and sustainable. Furthermore, to develop and deepen the Nordic countries’ relationship with Chinese official departments, relevant design and innovation institutes, and press and media outlets. During the week an exhibition will showcase Nordic design, and innovation in food, fashion, service design and industrial design. In addition a range of workshops, master classes and networking events will take place.