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Bio-economy - opportunities and innovation for a sustainable food chain in the Nordic region


New Nordic Food II -program of the Nordic Council of Ministers welcomes experts in bioeconomy from Nordic agriculture organisations, research institutes and other central stakeholders to take part in a Nordic vision workshop in the morning of 11th of November in Reykjavik. 

ARTICLE (8.1.2015): Bioeconomy and innovation for a sustainable food chain #NORDICFOOD2024

Bio-economy means an economy which utilises the biological natural resources and turns them into food, energy, and other products and services. The Nordic Kitchen Manifesto promotes sustainable values - purity, freshness, simplicity and ethics in the food production, food chain and kitchen.

One of the main ambitions of NordBio, a large bio-economy programme launched under the Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers, is to promote innovative use of the biological resources in the region. One of the key focus areas is food product innovation with emphasis on creating value from underutilised resources and by-products. Here we can already show some results. In line with the Nordic Kitchen Manifesto we want to explore the way forward for use of bio-economy in innovation and co-operation for a more sustainable food chain in the Nordic Region. 

Nordic Bioeconomy webpage

NordBio -program under Icelandic Presidency of Nordic Council of Ministers 2014

Articles in Green Growth Web Magazine, October 2014:
Bioeconomy by-products represent enormous value
How climate induced spatial shifts will change Nordic agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Vision workshop
The vision workshop will take place on the 11th of November in Reykjavik at Matís ltd. - Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D Company, between 9:00-12:00. The workshop is moderated by Hildur Palsdottir, (IS) Director of Innovation project Designers and Farmers.

The three key questions are: Can we identify bridges between bio-economy and innovation in the food chain in the Nordic Region? Can we identify common goals for innovation within a sustainable food chain in the Nordic Region? How can we use the potential of bio-economy to create sustainable, local food economies - which is the way forward?

The objectives of the workshop is primary to identify, develop and motivate challenges and new solutions. Secondary to create ownership and engagement for solutions and efforts and to ensure maximum dissemination of ideas and thoughts.The aim of the workshop is to initiate a Nordic network for bioeconomy experts within agriculture sector and with focus on food production and innovation.

NEWS (10.11.2014)

Conference Arctic Bioeconomy
In the afternoon of 11th November, the group will attend the international conference “Arctic Bio-economy – Focus on West-Nordic Countries” in Reykjavik at the Nordic House, between 13:00-17:00. Dr. Dr. Christian Patermann, will be leading the discussions. Patermann is a former director at DG Research European Commission, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Food Research. There will be a Nordic panel debate at the end of the conference. 

Bioeconomy in the Actic Region webpage

As part of the program 
On the 10th November at 19:00 the program will start with a networking dinner and study tour together with the project group of the Arctic Bioeconomy at Matis ltd.

On the 12th of November the participants are invited to a study tour in artisan food production in Iceland. Alternatively they will take part in the Nordregio Forum 2014: Nordic Bioeconomy and Regional Innovation, 12-13 November in Keflavik.

Practical information
The participation in the workshop, conference, dinner, common transportation between meeting facilities and the artisan food study trip is free of charge. Participants will pay for their travel arrangements and accommodation. Single rooms to a discount price has been reserved at Radisson BLU Saga Hotel, Reykjavik.

The vision workshop is arranged by New Nordic Food II -programme and supported by Innovation project” under Nordbio, the Icelandic chairmanship program of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Matís, The Nordic House and the Icelandic agriculture organisation.

More information: 
Bettina C. Lindfors, Project Manager, New Nordic Food II, bettina.c.lindfors@If you can see this, please update your 

#NORDICFOOD2024 are a series of vision workshops, which will be about how far we need to go, to realise the vision of the Nordic kitchen in a number of selected areas in 10 years' time. The idea is to invite a group of leading players from across the Nordic region to discuss which activities and visions we should work on in the future, if a stronger Nordic food culture is to be an effective solution for future societal challenges. Read more here

Photo: Matis ltd.