Start / Projekt / #NORDISKMAT2024  /  From Niche to Critical Mass Markets

From Niche to Critical Mass Markets

@ Livsmedelskademin, Anckargripsgatan 3, 211 19 Malmø

10th of December from 9.00 to 13.00

08.30-09.00 Breakfast (Informal)
09.00-09.05 Welcome & purpose of the day- Lotta Törner, VD Livsmedelsakademin
09.05-09.25 Agenda & participant presentations - Emil Blauert, WNEAT & Nordic Council of Ministers
09.25-09.45 Culinary Innovations in Times of Transformation, Jesper Strandgaard, Professor, CBS & Director at Imagine 09.45-09.55 Questions and discussion
09.55-10.25 Title TBA, Claus Meyer, Gastronomic Entrepreneur, Meyer Group
10.25-10.35 Questions and discussion
10.35-10.45 Break
10.45-11.05 Jacobsen - Craft at Scale, Morten Ibsen, Brewmaster & Didrik Fjeldstad, Director Strategy & Innovation Carlsberg Brand
11.05-11.15 Questions and discussion
11.15-11.45 Group-discussions - Challenges and opportunities for the future 11.45-12.15 Group presentations
12.10-12.15 Conclusions - What can we do together?
12.15-13.00 Lunch

The official language will be english.
Notice that we start at 9.00 and planned informal breakfast from 8.30 to 9.00.

The goals of the meeting is to:

  • Connect innovators in the food industry and establish new relations

  • Create new ideas and perspectives for future products and market

  • Formulate input to the Nordic Council of Ministers for the future nordic framework on food

NEWS (9.12.2014): Toppmöte om det nordiska kökekst framtid (Livsmedelsakademin)
NEWS (10.12.2014): From Niche to Critical Mass Markets

More information:
Emil Blauert på +45 53 57 60 20 eller

#NORDICFOOD2024 are a series of vision workshops, which will be about how far we need to go, to realise the vision of the Nordic kitchen in a number of selected areas in 10 years' time. The idea is to invite a group of leading players from across the Nordic region to discuss which activities and visions we should work on in the future, if a stronger Nordic food culture is to be an effective solution for future societal challenges. Read more here